Another week down. I am a little bit late writing this post. I usually try to do them on Fridays but this Friday was beyond busy. So much has changed this week. I am more stressed and excited and nervous than I have been in a LONG time. No he's not coming home right now. Although I will have these same feelings then as well. These are always the feelings I get when we are starting a new chapter in our lives.
This week I:
- Watched my nephews. The boys LOVED their sleepover. We made a huge pallet on the living room floor and they stayed up watching movies and eating popcorn!
- Went out to lunch with my twin and all 4 of our boys. They had a BLAST!
- Got growled at by some weird little kid at McDonald's. This was after he yelled at me and said he was gonna have his mom have the manager kick us out. All for me telling him to leave my kids alone who were 5+ years younger than him. KIDS THESE DAYS!!! If I'd done any of this when I was their age I would have gotten my ass beat! My kids still would!
- Had Twin Time!!! We went and saw the host and went to lunch. With a TINY bit of shopping thrown in there!
- Found out we were approved for the MAP program. Which means I can get a job now. Which also means I have to dye my hair back normal :/
- Volunteered at my kids school.
- Met with our MAP counselor. So glad to finally have a plan and know what we need to start doing.
- Lost 3 pounds!!!
- Sent out another care package. Really hoping he loves this one!
- Mowed the lawn! I really hate mowing the first time of the season. But it had to be done. And I'm not gonna waste money on hiring someone else to do something I can do. Especially now that my new landlord (aka my MIL) is not a super crazy lawn Nazi like my last one. Yes they were good landlords but OMG, the yard had to be mowed and weed-eated at LEAST once a week. I'd rather do it every 10 days or so but NOPE! That wasn't good enough. Here, it is. So that's another plus of moving!
- Got new books for the 3 of us! LOVE that my boys got my love of reading!!!
- Started a consequence jar. I'll make another post about that later :)
- Got sucked in to Inferno... Love the Chronicles of Nick Series!
- Read 4 chapters of The Hunger Games with my boys.
All in all its been a really good week. Super crazy. Super busy. Lots of changes to come! So- wish me luck int he job hunt! Hopefully it doesn't take me TOO long to find something!
And of course pictures of our week :)
Sneak Peek at this weeks box |
I really hate that they have video games at McDonald's but at least they were sharing. And they mostly played on the playground. |
Movie Time! |
2 down 2 to go |
Finally All Out!!! |
Happiness |
Their solution to not being allowed to take their drinks in the living room... Smart Boys! |
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