Well another week has come and gone... obviously. The beginning of this week really drug on. It was so slow going and I thought this week would never end. But the last few days have just flown by. This week was actually a REALLY busy week. Another crazy week in our life without Daddy. But hey busy is good, right?
So this week I:
- Went on a date with the cutest boys ever. We went to see GI Joe and out to dinner. It was actually a ton of fun. I think we are gonna start having a date night every other week.
- Got the garage all cleaned out so I can FINALLY park my car in there. We were having some crazy storms, and if I got hail damage on my car when I COULD have parked in the garage, I know my husband would kill me when he got home. So I finally got it all cleaned out. Still a bit of organizing to do, but at least I can easily get my car in there. And I'm actually LOVING parking in the garage. Never have before.
- Got my countdown & chalkboard all hung. I've REALLY been missing doing those.
- Got the craft room mostly done. FINALLY got the board game shelf in there and the decor hung. Just gotta get the desk outta there now. But, no where to store it before taking it to the dump since I'm parking in the garage now. So it's gotta stay right where it is.
- Friar tucked my hair... 2 days. I really liked it. Super easy & it actually looked like I did something to my hair. Now just gotta perfect it.
- Camped out in the living room with my boys.
- Got my hair dyed again. Got teal & purple in it this time. And a TON more color. Hubby hates it, so I guess it's a good thing he's not here. But I like it. When he asked WHY I did it, I said Mostly just cuz I can. I wanna do some wild and crazy stuff before I have to go back to work. I've always wanted some crazy hair for a bit and I can finally do that.
- Finally figured out how I am going to organize my pantry. I think I spent like 50 hours on that alone this week. Okay, that's an exaggeration. But, I spent so much time on it I even started dreaming about it. But now it's figured out, and I can move on to other things. Like organizing our command center...
- Read a few chapters of the Hunger Games with my boys. Well actually I think we only read 1. It's been a crazy week... like I said.
- FINALLY finished the book I've been reading for a few months now. And gonna start reading Perks of being a wallflower today. I'm pretty excited. The movie looks great so surely the book is even better... that's usually how it goes.
- Made 2 more care packages. One hubs asked for, so I had to add extra stuff and theme it of course. And the other is for Cinco de Mayo. It didn't turn out as fun as I wanted but oh well. He'll still enjoy it.
- Talked to the hubs a few times. I've actually been able to talk to him more so it has been wonderful. I don't get to talk to him but for about 20 minutes (if that) at a time but I'll take it.
- Read Rhyming with Dust Bunnies. OMG such a cute book!
And that's pretty much our week in a nutshell. Like I said super busy. Mostly a really good week. And as always another week down means another week closer to seeing him again. So I'm all for it.
And as always, some pics of our week:
About to go to bed after friar tucking my hair! |
And in the AM... Like I said, looks like I actually spent time on it. |
Date Night! |
Camping out in the living room. |
YAAAYYY!!! I can finally get my car in there! |
Not a great pic, but he'res the purple, just peek-a-boos where the pink was. |
And the teal. Again not a great pic. and these are actually mostly peek-a-boos too. I pulled the top layer of bangs back so you could see the color. |
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