Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Don't get to be a REAL Army Wife BUT...

I get deployments!!! Yay for me! NOT! Well if you haven't guess by now we are no longer planning on moving. SUPPOSEDLY the slots for Dick's job ended in JULY but we were NEVER informed of this. I think his recruiter was just a lazy fuck that didn't do his job and screwed us over! Which is why Dick is checking with a 2nd recruiter to verify what this guy is saying. Whether its his fault or not I'm still pissed. Even if the slots closed back then how in the HELL do you just "forget" to tell someone this???? How does it just "slip through the cracks"??? Either way as of now there is NOTHING we can do about it.
So now we are back to Dick going on his deployment he volunteered for a few months back. I was all prepared for this but got to thinking we weren't doing it anymore and that we were getting to go back in the REAL Army and then deal with deployments through that. But NOPE!!! So now it's 3 months closer & right around the corner!!! It feels like a huge slap in the face. I'm feeling rushed, and like I should have planned certain things this summer that I can no longer do. I feel alone. Not only is my husband leaving for a year but so are a lot of our friends & as much as I LOVE my non military friends & family there are just some things you can't understand until you've lived it. I feel like MANY things will be easier this deployment but a TON will be harder.
How in the hell am I gonna tell my boys that Nope sorry we aren't moving but hey guess what we get instead? Your dad gets to leave for a year! I know we are don't this before & we can do it again but it sucks. I don't think things actually get easier I think you are just more prepared for them.
On a brighter note we will be sending Dick off in style. So everyone get ready for a HUGE going away party & a KICK ASS Halloween party! We are gonna do it up right!!!

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