This week has FLOWN by. I swear it seems like just yesterday was Black Friday. I am very thankful for the days and weeks that fly by. I can NOT believe that we are already 4 weeks into the deployment. He's already almost been gone a month. I'm sure after the holidays things will slow down and communication with him will not be as frequent but for now I am just enjoying the holidays and the times I DO get to talk to him.
This week hasn't been a very exciting week. We haven't really gone or done anything. But we HAVE decorated for Christmas. It took 3 days alone to do the tree. Day 1 me & Lisa put it up. Day 2 me & the boys put on a box of ornaments and Day 3 I finished it off. I'm loving it. It's pretty bare, especially if you compare it to our last trees but its about 3 times the size of our other tree so I'd say its well worth it.
The night we decorated the tree we also watched An Elf's Story, and had some snacks with Hot Chocolate. Such a fun & cute movie! Well, the next day the boys got a Package from Santa. Its was their VERY OWN ELF!!! The were beyond excited. Named him Chippy like the one in the movie. :) I know they are VERY original. LoL. Nathan kept tellin me he wasn't real but he changed his mind VERY quickly when Chippy brought snow covered donuts and cool Christmas cups for breakfast the next day. Seems like Chippy is a very nice elf. He has yet to do anything naughty. So far we have found him hanging out in my stocking and hanging from the ceiling fan. :) The boys are soo excited every morning to find where he has landed.
Like I said, not too much has happened this week but man has it flown by. Ready to start another week. And we are ALMOST 1 month down.... WOO HOP!!!!
And to finish off like every week, here are some pics of our week: