Friday, October 12, 2012

MORE Training?!?!?!

Well as most of you know Richard is gone fore even MORE pre-deployment training. I hate that they are having to be gone for another couple weeks before they leave for a year or more. Its soo frustrating!
BUT I am taking this time to prepare the boys for him to be gone. We have started a countdown to him being home that they REALLY enjoy, and remind me EVERY morning to change the days, so I think we will continue this once he deploys. Also going to be doing a "Kisses from Daddy" jar. I will share pics on here once I make it.
I am also taking this time to get the house and decorations all ready for his party. I am putting alot of pressure on myself to have everything ready & perfect for when he gets home. I need to quit it. He's already told me to STOP and if I need help then ask. Not one of my strong suits. I am going to miss this man more than words can ever say. He is the one that talks me through my irrational thoughts and is always there for me when I need him. I just keep reminding myself we have been here before. We can do this again.
I also think I am going to write a weekly blog while he is gone. It will help countdown (or I guess up) to his return & keep him (if he should decide to actually read my blog lol) and anyone else who decides to read it informed of how me & the boys are doing while he is gone. What are we doing each week to stay busy and positive?
I have been an emotional wreck on & off for the last week. I have found myself wanting more & more things I know I can NOT have that I wanted before but not this intense. I think its coming from me wanting him to stay but having no control over it. I dunno. I know my next year or so will be an emotional roller coaster & I am in for a ride. I'm just hoping it won't be TOO bumpy after things return to "normal" while he's gone. As normal as they can be with such a huge part of our lives missing anyways.